Lively Atmosphere Auditorium
[Research] The Netherlands | Eindhoven
The brief of this assignment was to change the atmosphere of the Auditorium with the use of daylight. The Auditorium is located on the campus of the Eindhoven University of Technology. In previous questionnaires in the real Auditorium it concludes that the building was not lively enough. Therefore our goal of the adjustments was to make the Auditorium more lively. A research by Ingrid Vogels about light and atmosphere was used to test the current and adjusted situation with the use of a questionnaire. To change the liveliness factor the outcome of the words in this category had to be more positive. ‘Levendig’ (lively), ‘stimulerend’ (stimulating) and ‘inspirerend’ (inspiring) are the most important terms for the lively factor.

The toolbox of Steven Holl and the Chapel of St. Ignatius were the starting points for the adjustments to the Auditorium. The toolbox had been made in the previous research of daylight in Steven Holl’s designs. Two different types of skylights are used.
The first type is a large curved volume on top of the roof with a window of stained glas, each with a different orientation. These light volumes allow direct sunlight during winter (or in the morning/evening); in summer the light gets reflected and will create a more diffuse effect. The other openings make use of only indirect light, by using a coloured panel to reflect the light on the ceiling in a gradient of colour. To enlarge the effects of these sky lights, the openings in the East facade are closed.
The effect of the adjustments was measured by the use of questionnaires. The hypothesis to make the space more lively with the new daylight openings is confirmed with the use of the models and questionnaires.
Collaboration with Pieter Deijkers and Jeroen Geerards.